Guru Grit
4 min readJul 11, 2021


Stop Searching, Start Expecting
Shifting Mentality to Manifest Successfully with Speed and Accuracy

By now we have all come across the idea that being grateful is a powerful thing in making us live happier lives. The more we are grateful for, the more we find that makes us feel grateful.

When we are learning that we create our own reality, we are frequently introduced to this idea of being thankful, grateful and appreciative etc.

As important as they are, they are not always the key to manifesting our desire because they are improperly applied. A tool is useless if you don’t use it. A tool is equally useless (or even harmful) if used improperly! Here’s what I mean…

Expect Victory — taken by Guru Grit

As you wake up in the morning, or retire for the night, you clear your mind and start listing off things you are happy to have in your life, which makes you happier. When you are wanting to manifest things into your life it is not effective to speak or think things such as “I will be so happy when I meet this person” or “I am going to get that job and I will be so pleased when it comes”. The tenses used in these two sentences do not imply that the things you want are actually here. In fact, you are affirming their absence.

Fostering the narrative of ‘wanting’ something and ‘getting it’ somewhere far off into the fuzzily outlined future does not solidify the manifestation in your mind as a certainty. It solidifies it into your subconscious mind as something you search for, constantly keeping you stuck in the state of seeking.

Let’s use the example of a spouse. A single person saying to themselves

“My ideal spouse is looking for me”, suggests that they are sought after and nothing more. They might be approached, asked out for dinner but that does not translate into being in their ideal relationship. To make a lasting relationship a certainty, we rework that to say “My ideal partner and I are now enjoying our deeply satisfying and fulfilling relationship (or marriage if longevity is desired). Tonight, we had the most amazing dinner together, we both enjoyed it so much.” You see, the tenses all imply the current presence of the desire. It has come to pass. Nothing is far away somewhere, or even on the way, it is here and NOW. You remove the guess work out of manifestation and assume it is currently in your reality.

Expect more.

Now that you have the formula, a workable one, you can begin to flesh this out with details. Let’s assume somebody is looking for a job. They currently affirm “The perfect job is looking for me. My dream job seeks me out”. Same as before, these are perpetually in the cycle of seeking and searching for something that may or may not come. We want to assume that what we want is a sure thing and not a maybe. Let’s rework these affirmations to raise our level of expectancy of the ideal job. “My ideal job came to me. I didn’t have to look for it, it found me. The opportunity chased me down and presented itself to me. It was really easy. I now work in a place where I am valued and I can use my skills and qualifications. I thoroughly enjoy my work and my workplace. My coworkers and I get along and work well together, we really like each other. I even make more money than I was wanting! I didn’t negotiate my salary, they simply offered to pay me more than I wanted to be paid. It was easy and smooth. I am so happy now that I am employed and enjoying my job.” Of course, this can be as short as long as you like. Add as much detail as you want, include the comfort of the commute, the cozy cafés you lunch at around the corner, your favourite book shop being close by or whatever other thing you like. You can make this anything you want, so go big.

The point to drive home, is to rephrase your affirmations in the past tense so that your subconscious mind assumes that this is already done and you foster the feeling of expectancy for faster and more accurate manifestations.

Getting rid of the longing feeling by assuming what you want is already here is huge. So try it out, and watch everything you want just flow in beautifully.



Guru Grit

I am an Astrologer, Occultist and Coach eager to uplift and empower. Let’s learn together and get heavy with experience.